[旅游] 台湾HelloKitty列车首发 萌得惹人爱(双语)
Hello Kitty是很多年青人爱好的卡通形象,台湾铁路为了吸引旅客,推出了以此为主题的列车。3月21日是列车的首发日,列车将从台北动身开往台东。彩绘奇妙交融Hello Kitty彩画图案,车箱外观及内装萌味实足,连座椅头巾均可见Hello Kitty身影,让搭客直赞好可爱!
A Hello Kitty-themed Taroko Express train is seen in Taipei, March 21, 2016. The train has make its first run on a round trip from Taipei to Taitung on Monday, according to the Taiwan Railways Administration. The train is covered with Hello Kitty's painting. Isn't that adorable?
Hello Kitty彩绘列车以“随着Hello Kitty保持台湾与世界”为设计理念,8节车箱设计成北台湾动身,周游亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲、两极后,再回到东台湾。
The design concept of the Hello Kitty train is “To connect world and Taiwan with Hello Kitty”.支票借款, The 8 carriage are designed as Taiwan, Asia, Oceania近視雷射,, Europe, Africa, America and North&South pole, and then back to消毒卡, Taiwan.
Hello Kitty是否是很可爱?你是不是也想乘坐如许一辆梦幻专列呢?